Friday, October 30, 2009

Put a Finger On It! Change Your Clock, Check your Smoke Alarms & Batteries

Firefighters Going Door-to-Door this weekend 10/31/09
Checking your smoke alarms and batteries twice a year to ensure that they are working is one of the simplest, most effective ways to reduce tragic deaths and injuries from fire. In fact, working smoke alarms nearly cut in half the risk of dying in a home fire.

The men and women of the Montgomery County Fire and Rescue Service (MCFRS) urge ALL residents to check home smoke alarms on a regular basis.
“Put a Finger on It!” Fire Chief Richard Bowers recommends that all residents adopt a lifesaving habit by checking your home’s smoke alarms and batteries when changing clocks twice a year. Protect your family in the event of a home fire – change the battery!

Recent surveys conducted by fire fighters after serious fires and the door-to-door Safety in the Neighborhood campaign in Montgomery County have found that nearly half, 50%, of the smoke alarms checked did not work. That is alarming! Smoke alarms DO save lives!

2 – Change Your Clock, Check Your Battery

The Montgomery County Fire and Rescue Service recommend that homeowners follow these tips to help prevent fires, deaths, and injuries:

* Install and maintain smoke alarms on every level of the home

* Properly dispose of all smoking materials

* Maintain and properly use gas and electrical appliances.

* Never leave food cooking unattended; turn off the burner if you leave.

* Keep matches and lighters away from children.

* Never leave candles burning unattended.

* Develop and practice a fire escape plan.

Fire can spread rapidly through your home, leaving you as little as two minutes to escape safely. Your ability to get out depends on advance warning from smoke alarms and advance planning—a home fire escape plan that everyone in your family is familiar with and has practiced.

Because fires can grow and spread so quickly, having working smoke alarms in your home can mean the difference between life and death. Once the alarm sounds, you may have as few as two minutes to escape. Smoke alarms are the most effective early warning devices available. Remember, when you change your clock, check your smoke alarms and batteries – put a finger on it!


Firefighters will be going door-to-door throughout neighborhoods this weekend in conjunction with the “Change Your Clock/Change Your Battery” initiative and the Montgomery County Fire and Rescue Service “Safety in Our Neighborhood” campaign. To date, in the past 10 months, nearly 28000 homes have been visited and more than 900 smoke alarms and over 1000 batteries have been changed or installed.

Montgomery County residents may schedule a home safety evaluation by calling the Home Safety Hotline at (240)777-2476.

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