I just wanted to take a moment to highlight this unique community outreach conducted by FS20 - A Shift. What a great way to spend Thanksgiving! BD
Today as our community outreach we did the following: 
Today personnel from Fire Station #20 –A shift (Capt. Redding, FF’s Staub, Callahan) along with BFC Jim Resnick, (BC702-A) were invited to assist personnel from the Navy Medical Center Fire Department (Co#50) with serving early Thanksgiving Dinners to returning injured troops, their families, and staff of the Hospital .
National Naval Medical Command fire department personnel set up the event and started cooking the food at 0300hrs.that morning. NNMCFD held the event in the Hospital’s ICU which treats those personnel who have been wounded in combat and have returned to the United States. Many of these injured service personnel are far away from their homes and may or may not be with their families for the holiday.
The Firefighters from the Co#50 wanted to show their appreciation to those military personnel that have sacrificed so much for our country. The NNMC IAFF Local # F-121 along with local business donated food for the event. The Firefighters of Co#50 cooked all of it at the fire station.
Firefighters served:
45 lbs. of Ham
60 lbs. of Beef
42 lbs of Turkey
8 large industrial serving size bag of stuffing
8 large industrial serving size cans of corn and beans
Numerous cakes and pies
Along with soft drinks and water
Station #20 personnel gladly went over to NNMC and assisted the firefighters from Co#50 serving an early Thanksgiving meal to our injured service personnel..
Station #20-A would like to express our thanks to the Firefighters of the NNMC and to the members of IAFF Local # F-121 for doing such an outstanding job setting up the event and cooking all of the food, and for giving us the opportunity to say thanks to those who protect and defend our country.
Captain M.T.Redding

Today personnel from Fire Station #20 –A shift (Capt. Redding, FF’s Staub, Callahan) along with BFC Jim Resnick, (BC702-A) were invited to assist personnel from the Navy Medical Center Fire Department (Co#50) with serving early Thanksgiving Dinners to returning injured troops, their families, and staff of the Hospital .
National Naval Medical Command fire department personnel set up the event and started cooking the food at 0300hrs.that morning. NNMCFD held the event in the Hospital’s ICU which treats those personnel who have been wounded in combat and have returned to the United States. Many of these injured service personnel are far away from their homes and may or may not be with their families for the holiday.
The Firefighters from the Co#50 wanted to show their appreciation to those military personnel that have sacrificed so much for our country. The NNMC IAFF Local # F-121 along with local business donated food for the event. The Firefighters of Co#50 cooked all of it at the fire station.
Firefighters served:
45 lbs. of Ham
60 lbs. of Beef
42 lbs of Turkey
8 large industrial serving size bag of stuffing
8 large industrial serving size cans of corn and beans
Numerous cakes and pies
Along with soft drinks and water
Station #20 personnel gladly went over to NNMC and assisted the firefighters from Co#50 serving an early Thanksgiving meal to our injured service personnel..
Station #20-A would like to express our thanks to the Firefighters of the NNMC and to the members of IAFF Local # F-121 for doing such an outstanding job setting up the event and cooking all of the food, and for giving us the opportunity to say thanks to those who protect and defend our country.
Captain M.T.Redding