Chief James Seavey Sr. of the Cabin John Park Volunteer Fire Department was recently named the Volunteer Fire Chief of the Year by the International Association of Fire Chiefs (IAFC).
Chief Seavey was cited for having "led his department heroically in times of crisis, including administering the department’s staff and operations while his apparatus responded to the Pentagon following the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks." In addition, he has cultivated a relationship with the Halsenbek Volunteer Fire Department just outside of Hamburg, Germany, that has created an opportunity for cultural, educational, and technological exchanges between U.S. and German fire services.

At the age of 16, Chief Seavey started his career in the fire service as a volunteer at his neighborhood fire station, the Glen Echo Volunteer Fire Department in Montgomery County. While attending High School at Walt Whitman, he completed almost every class the Public Service Training Academy (PSTA) had to offer. When he became a student at Montgomery College he applied for a job as a part time fire fighter. In April 1979 he was hired by the Cabin John Park Volunteer Fire Department (CJPVFD) to work at station 30 on Falls Road at a rate of $2.10 per hour.

Eventually he was hired as a full time fire fighter in the District of Columbia where today he is a Lieutenant at Engine 17. On December 10th 1991, he was elected as Chief of the CJPVFD. After 33 years of service, Chief Seavey continues to serve his community proudly as a volunteer in this position. Now, it has become a family affair as Chief Seavey is proud to serve with his son who is a volunteer fire fighter at CJPVFD. Through the years he has served in many positions both county and state wide.
You can volunteer as a fire fighter, emergency medical technician, Community Emergency Response Team (CERT), or a department support member. No experience is necessary and all training is free. We are looking for volunteers for just a few hours up to one shift a week or more. If you or anyone you know is interested in following in Chief Seavey’s foot steps and helping out your community, please take the next step and learn more by calling 240-777-2238 or email