Saturday, August 31, 2013
Sidewalk Corner Serenade for MDA Fill The Boot
Friday, August 30, 2013
Rescue Squad Driver Training
On the practical portions, Captain Green goes the extra mile and sets up drills for me instead of just having me complete a basic skill. What you see in the pictures below is us lifting a four thousand pound van off a car using hydraulic jacks and then air bags. With these scenarios we have to use paratech struts and massive amount of cribbing to make the drill complete.
All the techniques are very basic to very complex. He tests my ability to know all inventory and all capacities of equipment to the smallest detail. In short, once I'm done with his training the drivers training book will be child's play.
Many thanks to all of the people involved in this drill on my shift, 3-C, to help me complete my training. We are a very tight knit shift and I feel as though everyone on it wants to see me succeed and become a Squad driver.
Thursday, August 29, 2013
Special Furry Visitors At Fire Station #17 Training to Help Wounded Warriors
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Experiencing how a Dalmatian might live! |
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
Two-Alarm Silver Spring Fire Displaces Over 100 Residents and Sends 10 to Area Hospitals
Two-Alarm Silver Spring Fire Displaces Over 100 Residents and Sends 10 to Area Hospitals, a set on Flickr.
Units from Montgomery County Fire and Rescue Service (MCFRS) were dispatched to an apartment complex in the 9300 block of Piney Branch Road in Silver Spring about 3:43 this afternoon for the initial report of smoke in the building. First-arriving units reported heavy smoke conditions and fire showing and requested additional units. A second alarm and several additional pieces of apparatus were dispatched as firefighters quickly rescued several residents trapped by the fast-moving blaze.
Firefighters from Prince Georges, Howard County and the District of Columbia assisted and the fire was brought under control within 2 ½ hours. Firefighters remain on the scene extinguishing hot spots, monitoring conditions and conducting overhaul operations of the heavily damaged apartment complex.
Seven civilians were transported to area hospitals with non-life threatening injuries and three firefighters were transported to local hospitals with minor, non-life threatening injuries.
Montgomery County Fire and Explosive Investigators determined the origin and cause of the fire to be an electrical outlet near a mattress. The mattress was ignited and the flames spread to the upper floors via a pipe chase. The American Red Cross has set up temporary operations at the Long Branch Community Recreation Center to assist residents displaced by the apartment fire. Over 100 firefighters were on the scene at the height of operations.
Damage estimates are $1 million to the structure and $500K to the contents.
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
Montgomery County Fire and Rescue Service Awarded International Accreditation
“Our career and volunteer firefighters and emergency medical personnel are among the best in the nation, and this prestigious award is testament to that,” said County Executive Isiah Leggett. “To be evaluated against national standards and international best management practices successfully is a reflection of our commitment to providing the highest level of service to residents.”

- Determine community risk and safety needs;
- Evaluate the performance of the department; and
- Establish a method for achieving continuous organizational improvement
About the Commission
The Commission on Fire Accreditation International is governed by eleven members representing a cross-section of the fire service industry, including fire departments, city and county management, code councils, the U.S. Department of Defense, and the International Association of Fire Fighters. The full Commission meets biannually to review all agencies applying for accredited status.
The CFAI is dedicated to assisting the fire and emergency service agencies throughout the world in achieving excellence through self-assessment and accreditation in order to provide continuous quality improvement and the enhancement of service delivery to their communities. The process is voluntary, and provides an agency with an improvement model to assess their service delivery and performance internally and then works with a team of peers from other agencies to evaluate their completed self assessment. Additional information about the Commission can be found at
Monday, August 26, 2013
Slow Down, Watch Out. Kids Ahead! Back to School Safety Tips
For Drivers
All motorists are required by law to stop when the red lights on buses are flashing. Passing a school bus when the red lights are flashing is not only illegal it is also one of the biggest threats to student safety. Motorists should be aware that the red flashing lights and the stop sign may be engaged shortly after the amber lights are on. Vehicles traveling in the same direction as the bus are always required to stop. In Maryland, the law states that vehicles must come to a complete stop on both sides of the roadway if there is no physical divider or barrier. Violations can result in a citation and fine.
Parents need to carefully consider the pros and cons of having a child stay home alone before/after school. Be familiar with laws and child protective policies in your jurisdiction and, because children mature at different rates, your decision should not be based on age alone. Children should master important safety skills before staying home alone. Be sure to make and practice a home fire escape plan that includes a designated “safe” area outside where everyone will meet if the smoke alarm sounds and ensure they know when and how to call 9-1-1 in an emergency. Unattended cooking continues to be the leading cause of home fires in Montgomery County and firefighters strongly recommend having after school snacks on hand that do not require cooking. Children should only use kitchen appliances while under close adult supervision. Additional safety tips can be found on our website at
Section 5-801 provides:
Saturday, August 24, 2013
Safety First Checklist

Do you have smoke alarms on every level of your home? Install smoke alarms on every level of your home including basements and in all sleeping areas. Test and dust alarms monthly, replace batteries annually and replace any smoke alarms that are 10 years or older. Change the battery immediately if the unit starts making a “chirping” sound alerting you to a low battery.
Does everyone know what to do in case of a fire?
Having a fire escape plan for you and your family and practicing it with a home fire drill can reduce the amount of time it takes to get out of your home safely. In your fire escape plan, have two ways out of each room, a prearranged meeting place outside and, most importantly, ONCE OUT – STAY OUT! Always call 9-1-1 from a safe location.
Can we find you if we need to?
Are your house numbers clearly visible from the street? Please provide 5 inch numbers with contrasting background.
Cooking left unattended is the leading cause of home fires.
If you must leave the kitchen while cooking, turn off the heat. It’s a recipe for serious injury to wear loose clothing while cooking (such as long or dangling sleeves) or leaving flammable materials such as potholders, dishtowels or paper towels around the stove which can ignite easily. Heat cooking oils gradually and use extra caution when deep-frying. In the event of a fire, turn off the heat source and put a lid on the pan to smother the fire. Never throw water on a grease fire or attempt to move a pan that is on fire.
Smoking is the number 1 cause of home fire deaths.
If you must smoke, smoke outside. Most home fires caused by smoking materials start inside the home. Use ashtrays with a wide, stable base that won’t tip over and place ashtrays on a surface that will not ignite. Dowse all smoking materials with water before disposal and consider using fire-safe cigaterettes that further reduce fire risk.
Don’t overload electrical outlets/extension cords/circuits.
Don't overload extension cords by plugging in appliances that exceed the rating of the cord. Replace cracked or worn extension cords, don’t run extension cords under rugs or carpets or in high traffic areas and never plug one extension cord into another.
Use candles with care.
Candle fires have almost tripled. Keep candles away from anything that can burn and extinguish all candles when leaving the room, going to sleep or leaving the house. Use a flashlight rather than a candle during power outages and consider using battery-powered candles that give the appearance of a flame without having an actual flame.
Space heaters need space.
Portable space heaters can quickly warm up a cold room, but they have been the cause of many serious home fires. Keep fixed and portable space heaters at least three feet from anything that can burn and follow all manufacturer instructions. Never dry wet clothing or shoes on space heaters and always turn heaters off when leaving the room or going to sleep.
Can your ashes!
Leftover fireplace ashes and embers can start fires long after the intended fire has gone out. Properly dispose of ashes in a metal container with a lid – never in a paper bag, cardboard box, plastic trash can or bag. Ashes should be kept in a metal container located outside and away from your house to cool. Your garage, house, or deck are dangerous locations for ashes to cool.
Residential fire sprinklers save lives!Fire Sprinklers are economical, reliable and proven to be the best way to protect your family and home from the dangers of fire. Although smoke alarms are essential in every house, they’re designed to detect, not control or extinguish, a fire. Consider the tax benefits when retrofitting your home with residential fire sprinklers and may even reduce homeowner insurance premiums.
Got one? GET ONE!
Free smoke alarms are available to qualified Montgomery County residents and free home safety evaluations are available to all residents.
Friday, August 23, 2013
MCFRS Significant Incident Map
Thursday, August 22, 2013
Back to School Safety Press Event
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
House Fire 13200 block of Moran Dr
House Fire 13200 block of Moran Dr, a set on Flickr.
On August 20th at approximately 4:10 PM units arrived on scene to find a large two story house with a fire on two floors. Damage estimates of $200K to the structure and $100K to the contents.
Photos Courtesy of Firefighter Willie Denell and Master Firefighter Craig Lauret
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
Friday, August 16, 2013
Rookie Training
The folks are shown in this photo learning basic info about one of the power saws.
Tuesday's training was lead by LT Sean Regan with FF Reggie Hill and FF TJ Carlin assisting.
Thursday, August 15, 2013
Monday, August 12, 2013
No Twitter? No Problem! You Can Still Get MCFRS Updates!
Saturday, August 10, 2013
- During 2004-2008,
departments responded to an estimated annual average of 24,600 fires
started by lightning. These fires caused annual averages of 12 civilian
deaths, 47 civilian injuries, and $407 million in direct property damage.
- More than half of fires caused by lightning occur
outdoors. Deaths and injuries from lightning fires is small, but the
dollar loss is more than $400 million per year.
- In 2004-2008, only 18% of
reported lightning fires occurred in homes, but these accounted for 88% of
the civilian deaths, 77% of the associated injuries and 70% of the
property damage.
Video: NFPA's Lisa Braxton says following some simple safety tips can greatly reduce the risk of being struck by lightning.
Friday, August 9, 2013
Can we find you in an EMERGENCY?
- Numbers must be visible from the street. Existing residential home numbering can be 3 1/2 inches high, however new residential homes must be at least 5 inches high and if you replace existing numbers they must be at least 5 inches high.
- Numbers should be placed on a contrasting background, with a reflective coating on the numbers for easy visibility at night.
- Repair or replace aging address number placards, especially on mailboxes that are a distance from the front of the residence.
- Prune any bushes, tree limbs or other growth that has covered your house numbers.
- Numbers should be placed on or beside the front door. If your door is not easily seen from the street, put the numbers on a post, fence or tree at the driveway entrance so they can be clearly seen from the street. In addition to numbers on the front door of your house, if you have a rural-style mailbox, reflective and contrasting numbers should be placed on both sides of the box so they can be seen by an emergency vehicle approaching from either direction.
Montgomery County Code on Addresses
- The owner of any structure presently existing or constructed in the future must display Arabic numbers designating the address assigned to the structure by the Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission, or by the municipality in which the structure is located. Numbers must be at least five (5) inches high for single-family detached and attached residences and at least six (6) inches high for commercial, industrial or multifamily structures. However, if the numbers designating the address of a single-family residence on April 5, 1988, were at least three (3) inches high, those numbers comply with the size requirement of this section as long as they remain in place. Address displays must be posted on a contrasting background displayed in a conspicuous place that is unobstructed and clearly readable from the street named in the official address of the structure. Where a structure has more than one (1) address or where more than one (1) structure shares a common entry or driveway, numbers must designate the addresses in sequence.
- An agency of the county must not require a permit for a sign containing only the address of a residence if the sign is smaller than a maximum size set by the county executive by regulation.
Thursday, August 8, 2013
Social Media Platforms of MCFRS

Wednesday, August 7, 2013
MCFRS Gas Fire Training At Washington Gas Training Facility
Tuesday, August 6, 2013
Fire Chief Steve Lohr Announces Promotions
Monday, August 5, 2013
The 1st Battalion Challenge Coin
Saturday, August 3, 2013
Montgomery County Firefighters Pipes & Drums Perform for Wounded Warriors
In attendance were Marines and Soldiers who where wounded while protecting our great nation. The cookouts are held every three months to give the service men & women a relaxed atmosphere and a good old fashion Bar-B-Q meal.
Klyle Crutchley, Peter Leong, Dan Friz, Ivan Browning, Rick Blandford, Brian Hagberg, Ty DeMent |
Kyle & Rick show up in a 1926 American Lafrance |
Friday, August 2, 2013
One Overturned in Company 19's Area
Right after 7 AM yesterday morning, Fire Station 19 and Ambulance 702 along with Rescue Squad
The intersection of Grubb and East West is a busy intersection near the border of the 1st Battalion and Battalion 2. It is an intersection worthy of extra caution when approaching it.
Photos Courtesy of Firefighter Riley
Thursday, August 1, 2013
Fire Station 16 Hosts Local Community Group
On July 25th, Silver Spring Fire Station 16 on the A-Shift hosted students from an entry-level English as a Second Language Class. The 17 students who attended learned about fire safety and injury prevention as well as the services provided by MCFRS. The students were from Cameroon, Congo, Haiti, Guatemala, Peru, Dominican Republic, and El Salvador. Captain Dee Richards and her crew at Fire Station 16 did a great job helping to further the student's knowledge about life safety issues in their home.
Photo courtesy of ESL Instructor Karin Schach |