Wednesday, December 19, 2007

MCFRS Virtual TV

We are currently in the Beta phase of testing out a new idea in outreach to the community: MCFRS Virtual TV

This is through the You Tube web site and offers a unique and cost effect way (read no cost) for us to reach out to our community we serve. The beauty of course, is that you can access it when your time permits to see what it is we are doing. What a great tool to go along with our MCFRS Blog Talk Radio Show! It will also compliment our Life Safety Education Blog!

The goal is to have shows and news articles that may be of interest to our diverse community members. My feeling is more and more folks are seeking these types of communication and news tools. Articles, videos, news, and shows that they can view at a time and place that is convenient to them whether it be at home, the local Starbuck's, or work. TV's are now being set up to where you can view a cable channel or browse the internet and read, watch, or listen to whatever programming you want.

Heck, with some of the new cell phone technology, I can see soccer Moms and Dads watching or listening to our shows (via something like the iPhone) as they maybe have to stand by at little Johnny's soccer practice!

The possibilities are endless! My hope is that all of this information will empower and educate all people in our community and will lead to a "Culture of preparedness and safety!"


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