Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Maryland Star of Life & Right Care When It Counts Awards

The Maryland Institute for Emergency Medical Services Systems annually presents the prestigious EMS Star of Life awards to honor and recognize accomplishments of EMS personnel across the state of Maryland and to recognize exceptional and outstanding providers in several award categories. The Star of Life awards recognize the vital role of EMS in public safety during EMS Week. These awards are designated to EMS workers by their peers for going above the call of duty in providing exceptional service and an unmatched passion for making a difference in the community. Montgomery County Fire and Rescue Service is honored to have the following personnel recognized by these prestigious awards this year:

  • Master Firefighter / Paramedic Arye Singer is receiving the EMS Clinician of the Year award for his excellent work and innovation with our Mobile Integrated Health program.


  • Recently retired Firefighter / Paramedic Susan Cleveland is receiving the Leon W. Hayes award for lifetime excellence in EMS. Susan devoted her career to outstanding patient care, showing compassion and respect for her patients, and committing to continuous improvement to EMS in Montgomery County.


  • Captain / Paramedic Laura Murdock is receiving the EMS Children award for her commitment and passion for improving care for children, and for promoting family centered care in Montgomery County.


  • Retired Battalion Chief and Paramedic Jim Resnick is receiving the EMS Geriatric award for his dedication to our community outreach programs that promote safety for our older residents and strive to prevent the 911 call.


Also being honored are two outstanding youth selected to receive the very prestigious“Right Care when it Counts” award by Maryland EMS for Children:


  • Cortlynn Graham is being recognition of her quick-thinking and life-saving actions taken while on duty as a patrol at Strawberry Knolls Elementary School and saving a toddler from on-coming traffic. Cortlynn exemplifies the leadership, situational awareness and calm demeanor required of patrols and the critical role safety patrols have in schools and in our community. 

  • Holden Speck is being honored for remaining calm and courageous during his call to 911 while his father was suffering a medical emergency.

Awards will be presented by local and State officials:
Wednesday, May 19, 2021 
Public Safety Headquarters, Gaithersburg 
3:00 pm 

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