Friday, January 17, 2025

Community Risk Reduction Week: Focusing on the “5 E’s” to Build a Safer Community

As part of our ongoing commitment to keeping our community safe, Fire Chief Corey Smedley is excited to announce the department's participation in Community Risk Reduction Week. This important week (January 20 - 26) is an opportunity for the department to collaborate with residents, businesses, schools, and other local organizations to raise awareness about fire prevention, safety, and risk reduction. This year, we will be focusing our efforts on the “5 E’s” to guide our initiatives. In honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s legacy of service, MCFRS will be kicking off CRR week this weekend with an exciting series of Home Safety Checks in the Prathertown community in honor of Dr. King.  

What Are the “5 E’s”?

The “5 E’s” are a set of principles used to reduce risks and improve safety across all aspects of community life. They are:

  1. Education
  2. Engineering
  3. Enforcement
  4. Economic Incentives
  5. Emergency Response

Each of these components plays a critical role in reducing fire risks, saving lives, and preventing property damage. During Community Risk Reduction Week, we will be actively applying all five E’s to enhance safety and build awareness about how individuals can protect themselves, their families, and their neighbors.

Our Focus During Community Risk Reduction Week

1. Education:
Education is the cornerstone of risk reduction. MCFRS believes that informed communities are safer communities. Throughout the week, we will host a variety of educational activities designed to empower our residents with the knowledge they need to prevent fires and respond effectively in case of an emergency. From events at local schools to community events and home safety visits, MCFRS is making sure residents have access to vital fire safety information.

2. Engineering:
In addition to education, engineering solutions can help prevent fire incidents and reduce their severity. We will be showcasing the latest fire prevention technologies in smoke and carbon monoxide alarms, residential sprinkler systems, and more. 

3. Enforcement:
While voluntary participation in safety initiatives is vital, there are times when enforcement is necessary to ensure that fire safety regulations are followed. Our partners with the Fire Code Compliance Office (Department of Permitting) make fire safety a priority in every corner of Montgomery County.

4. Economic Incentives:
We understand that cost can sometimes be a barrier to implementing fire safety measures. That’s why we are introducing various economic incentives during Community Risk Reduction Week. The department will be installing free smoke alarms for those in need or lack access to fire safety equipment.  By lowering these financial barriers, we hope to make fire safety more accessible for everyone. A call to 311 will connect you with the MCFRS Community Risk Reduction team for help.

5. Emergency Response:
Last but not least, Community Risk Reduction Week is a chance for us to remind the community of the importance of preparedness in case of a fire emergency. Did you know that the department provides Hands Only CPR training, Narcan and Stop the Bleed demonstrations and training? We're building resilience Knowing what to do in an emergency can make all the difference in an emergency. 

Out in the Community: Engaging with Our Neighbors

Throughout this week, you’ll find our firefighters and Community Risk Reduction team out and about in neighborhoods, schools, and local businesses, providing fire safety materials, offering free smoke alarm checks, and answering questions about fire prevention. We’ll be at community centers, senior centers, schools, and local events to connect directly with residents. Fire Chief Smedley’s goal is to create a “Fire Prevention Mindset” across the County (and State) where everyone plays an active role in fire safety.

We encourage you to follow us on Social Media (@mcfrs and @mcfrspio) for more information. One of the best ways you can participate is to TEST your smoke alarms and practice a Home Fire Drill with the whole family.

A Safer Future Starts Now

Community Risk Reduction Week is more than just a series of events – it’s a vital part of the department’s year-round commitment to keeping our community safe. By focusing on the “5 E’s,” we hope to foster a culture of safety that extends beyond CRR week and into every day. Together, we can reduce the risk of fires and emergencies in our community and build a safer future for generations to come.

Be sure to schedule your FREE home safety visit and smoke alarm check … it might even be the Fire Chief at your door!   

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