Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Better Safe and Ready, Than Sorry and Unprepared!

Hopefully by now all of you are aware of Hurricane Earl which is fast approaching the eastern sea board. Current projections indicate our immediate area will receive a brushing with very little impact on our community.

However hurricanes are very unpredictable and can alter course for better, or for worse, at a moments notice. With this in mind, the leadership of MCFRS are preparing as though Earl will alter course and head straight for us. Better safe, and ready, than sorry and unprepared!

The big question in my mind: will our resident’s adopt the same attitude? I certainly hope so as a large scale disaster will tax our department to the point of only being able to do so much for so many. The better prepared and able to help yourself during an emergency, such as a hurricane, the better off you and your loved ones will be and will allow us to focus on those who are experiencing true life threatening emergencies during and after a significant storm.

Please take a moment to learn more about being prepared for emergencies. Use this opportunity to prepare a Family Disaster Supply Kit if you do not have one. You may not need it now but you could at a moment’s notice in the future!

Follow the track and updates on the storm: Hurricane Earl

See below links that you might find helpful:

Preparing for Emergencies: A Checklist for People with Mobility Problems

Emergency Preparedness Checklist

Disaster Preparedness

Disaster Preparedness for the Disabled and Elderly (pdf - 1.34mb)
(American Red Cross)

Disaster Preparedness for Pets

Stay Safe!

Bill Delaney

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