Friday, February 19, 2010

Help Your Fire Department – Adopt-a-Hydrant

Please help the Montgomery County Fire and Rescue Service by “adopting” the fire hydrant closest to your home or business and keeping it free of snow, leaves and other debris. Recent snow storms, combined with the after-effects of plowing roads and parking lots, have left many fire hydrants partially or completely buried in snow.

Please take a couple of minutes to uncover your fire hydrant after each and every snowfall. Clear a path approximately 3 feet around the hydrant and shovel a path from the street or roadway up to the fire hydrant. By keeping fire hydrants clear of snow, the public can help firefighters to easily locate them and access water quickly, preserving valuable time during an emergency.

Please consider helping a neighbor with a medical condition or who is elderly by shoveling out a hydrant in front of their home. Remember, quick access to fire hydrants benefits everyone.

The “adopt-a-hydrant” program in Montgomery County is an informal program and therefore it is not necessary to advise the fire department which fire hydrants you will be clearing snow from. Thank you for helping keep Montgomery County safe!

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